
5 Twelfths As A Decimal

5/12 as a decimal is 0.416

Desire to practise?

In the fraction 5/12 , the number 5 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

In the fraction 5/12 , the number 12 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

What is the equivalent fraction to 5/12?

  • 5/24
  • ten/24
  • ten/36
  • xv/24

What is the equivalent fraction to five/12?

  • 25/sixty
  • 20/36
  • ten/36
  • 5/24


The fraction $$\frac5{12}$$ can be written equally $$5\div12$$ .

Conduct out the segmentation using the long sectionalization method with 5 equally the dividend and 12 every bit the divisor.

5 over 12 as a decimal

Equally 12 > v, the division cannot be carried out. Hence place a decimal point in the reply to add 0 to 5.

what is 5 over 12 as a decimal

12 divides fifty four times to requite 48.

Subtract 48 from 50 to get the residuum 2.

As 2 is non divisible past 12, add together 0 to ii to get xx. twenty is divisible past 12 1 time.
Decrease 12 from 20 to get the residuum 8.

12 divides 80 half-dozen times to give 72.
Subtract 72 from eighty to get the remainder 8.

5/12 as a decimal is

It can be seen that the residuum 8 is repeated as in the previous step.

The repetition of the remainder will give the same digits in the quotient once more.

Hence the answer would exist 0.4166666….

And so 0.4166666…. there is a repeating decimal example.

Boost your score What is 5/12 as a decimal img

To denote that the digit six is repeating, apply a bar above half dozen to show that the number is repeated.


Call up

Hither are some common terms you should exist familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac5{12}$$, the number 5 is the dividend ( our numerator )
  • The number 12 is our divisor ( our denominator) .

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5 Twelfths As A Decimal,


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