
How To Clean A Cork Yoga Mat

How Dirty Is Your Yoga Mat?

The simple respond is… pretty muddied. Yoga mats blot and store all the sweat, oil, dirt, and crud they're exposed to during your exercise.

If y'all're practicing in a studio this includes strangers' grime from the flooring. If you're practicing at abode, then pets, children, and just your ain body are going to deposit grime onto your mat. Not to mention, dirty mats tin become a source of microbial growth, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

There's nothing worse than unrolling your mat for yoga time and realizing it's kinda gross. That's why I'm sharing with you a uncomplicated and effective fashion to clean and disinfect your yoga mat.

How to Clean & Disinfect Your Yoga Mat

How To Clean And Disinfect Your Yoga Mat

Cleaning your yoga mat is actually pretty simple. If you've ever gone to a yoga studio, you'll notice that everyone wipes down their mat after the practice with a trivial spray bottle and a towel.

But what is in that spray bottle?

It'due south really a elementary solution of equal parts h2o and white vinegar. The vinegar acts as an antimicrobial, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Oft, at that place volition also be a small corporeality of essential oils in information technology such equally tea tree oil for its boosted antimicrobial effects. Of course, some people use other essential oils just for their smell, usually lavender.

Vinegar solution for cleaning your yoga mat

To disinfect and clean your mat:

  • Spray the 50/50 mixture of vinegar & water on one side of your mat.
  • Grab a towel and begin rubbing it downwardly in small circular motions
  • Repeat on the other side
  • Make sure the mat is dry
  • Coil it up

It'southward important to clean both sides of your mat considering if you lot conventionally ringlet information technology up, the dirt and grime from the floor will be transferred to the top. For those frequenting yoga studios, that tin get pretty gross fast.

How to Clean A Cork Yoga Mat

How to clean a cork yoga mat
Cleaning a cork yoga mat isn't too much different than a normal mat, only at that place are some of import differences.

Cork is naturally antimicrobial, meaning that y'all don't need to disinfect them with a vinegar solution as often. Of grade, you can if you lot want.

Yet, for regular maintenance, you'll just demand a damp fabric to wipe off any dirt or grime that gathers on your mat.

How Often Do You Need to Make clean Your Yoga Mat?

Y'all should give your mat a quick rub down afterward each workout, especially if you lot're a heavy sweater. Moisture and warmth are breeding grounds for leaner and fungi, then it's important to clean that upwardly before it gets out of manus.

You should deep clean your mat at least one time a month to remove the embedded grime and dirt on your mat. This involves the same process every bit cleaning your mat but putting in more fourth dimension and elbow grease to really get it clean.

Can Y'all Launder Yoga Mats?

Can You Wash Your Yoga Mat?

I'd say no. Many people ask if you can simply toss your yoga mats into a washing motorcar and call it a solar day? You'll accept to check the industry'due south recommendations for details. However, in my experience, it isn't recommended or necessary.

If you lot actually desire to though, I'd completely avoid tiptop-loaded washing machines with an anarchist. They'll shred your yoga mat. Fifty-fifty if y'all do wash your mat in a side-loading motorcar, you'll probably become some unwanted vesture and tear in the process. Information technology'southward much simpler to just rub downwards your mat with a cloth and a 50/50 solution.

Likewise, if y'all have a cork yoga mat, you should absolutely Not put it into a washing machine.

Notation: Delight don't put your cat or your cork yoga mat in your washing machine.

Want A Cork Yoga Mat for Yourself?

Is your mat peeling or just not thick plenty for your needs & knees. Perchance it's time to upgrade to a premium cork yoga mat! They're extra-thick, extra-wide, and are naturally antimicrobial! Click hither to get yours.
Man Flow Yoga Cork Yoga Mat

Boosted Resources

About the author, Dean Pohlman, Founder & CEO of Human Flow Yoga, Writer of Yoga Fitness for Men, Expert on Yoga Fitness for Men.

Dean Pohlman is an E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and the founder of Man Catamenia Yoga. Dean is widely considered to be an authority on Yoga for Men. He has worked with physical therapists to create yoga programs for back health and spinal recovery. His workouts and programs take been used by professional and collegiate athletes, able-bodied trainers, and personal trainers; and have been recommended by physical therapists, doctors, chiropractors, and other medical professionals.

Dean is a successfully published author through DK Publishing (Yoga Fitness for Men), selling 35,000 copies worldwide in English, French, and German; in addition to beingness a co-producer of the Torso by Yoga DVD Series, which has sold over 40,000 copies on Amazon since its release in 2016.

Human being Flow Yoga has been featured in Musculus & Fitness Magazine, Mens' Health, The Chicago Lord's day, New York Magazine, and many more major news media outlets.

Dean And Dog

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How to Clean & Disinfect Your Yoga Mat


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